Friday, October 23, 2009

Part II Day 3

I sat at my little restaurant the other day (funny how no matter where you are a lesson can find you). A young African American man sat down at the corner of the counter a few seats away. He was dressed very nice and of course I had to speak with him. I said, "I might be showing my age, but you look to young to be a businessmen, he said he had to go to traffic court. We started talking more; he mentioned he was going to night school. He is a minister that works as a bank teller while attending classes. I am always a bit envious when someone so young is so sure of their path. He told me he started preaching at 8, that God called him. I was speechless so many thoughts ran through my mind. Mostly it was his charming yet shy conviction when he said it-he provoked such a quiet strength. I watched as he shuck hands and spoke to others in the diner that he knew. I was proud of him; you could see his spirit emanate from him. I asked how he came to be a minister; did his Pastor recognize him and initiate him? He said yes, but that he knew and acted from that knowledge it was almost that he declared himself but it was almost an afterthought because he knew who and what he was.
My lessons from this sweet natured young man outside of role modeling is, being open to your calling, acting from your heart with this understanding, and then following the path laid out from your beliefs. He said, "It can't be wrong if it comes from your heart."
My teacher tells me I will be a teacher when I claim it. I was grateful to meet an example of such a young person claiming it, especially around a spiritual calling.

What calls you that you have left unclaimed? Can you see any role models around you? Embrace what is in your heart

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

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