Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 28

I went out to dinner tonight with a couple of friends. Our discussion was fun and deep. One of my take aways was the discussion on "what are you passionate about?" I sat and listened to both of these people who live there passion. They both work doing what they feel they were born to do. I am inspired by them and felt good talking to them about future possibilities.
I also had the chance to talk about what I love to do and was encouraged. I feel after the last couple of days I am on more solid ground and tonight just topped it off. That's it, I feel good about the work I have been doing and feel the progress.

Who inspires you? Look around they could be sitting next to you.

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all. Thanks


windancer said...

I was going to e-mail you this thought - but will post it on your blog - as it applies to the plan/journey you are undertaking.

When we live our bliss - totally and completely - life becomes a series of good days. We picked up Dharmakeerti this afternoon - and the discussion was perfect - a mix of serious, funny, irreverent, mundane, and profane - and at the end of this "good day" I know another will follow - because driving home from the airport and throughout the dinner and the evening - I participated in conversation of people who are living their bliss.

Megan M said...

living the bliss and recognizing it- there is the gift!