Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 19

I was driving around with me sister today and she said something that struck a chord with me. She said she is always rushing to get things done and she realizes that nothing is ever totally finished, there is always something else that needs to be done. She seemed perplexed at this frenzied cycle. I completely understand this frame of min. I know for myself I am always looking for something (distraction - fill in the blank for yourself) to be done or finished in order to get to the next (distraction - fill in the blank for yourself). For the first time in a long time, (hence this process) I am again coming closer, to consciously knowing that these are just ways to keep myself from facing/choosing what I fear, which is living an authentic life. Now, I'm not sure fear is the correct word, a better way to explain may be, I don't have a concept or construct of what living "authentically" is. I'm just not sure I have an understanding of what my life will look like, or feel like when it is always of my choosing. Perhaps I conjure the word fear because perhaps I am concerned that authentic will not fit the "social norm" (because I'm pretty sure it's not)So in the mean time instead of figuring out what "authentic" is for me I have stayed busy with the next (distraction - fill in the blank for yourself). As you may notice I am attempting to find these "authentic" pieces using this process and being open. Open to new opportunities and open to letting go of that which does not fit.

Take a look around what are you using as a distraction? "I have to...." is a good place to start looking for chains that bind. Real or Imagined?

Disclosed more of the plan to the family

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all. Thanks

1 comment:

windancer said...

Some Questions:
1. So what is an authentic life?
2. How do you find it?

You talk about signs from the universe:>}} - well reading your post is a very strong sign to me -"get my book published" - it's all about the gathering, awkwening, and integration of the "bones of the authentic self". I read this first thing this morning - and it was the voice of spirit calling me back onto course. So thanks!!