Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 25

I spoke with a friend yesterday, who happens to be a very good therapist. I spoke with her regarding the process I have been working. Words like permission, limiting, all or nothing came up. She helped me see that I am holding on to old limiting beliefs. She told me to keep following my urges and that many people don’t take the opportunities I am taking and this was a good thing. I felt really good after our conversation, more free then I had felt in a while. I noticed that during the day today I started to lose some of those good feelings, a direct result of my own negative thinking. I resolved myself to watching my thought patterns and counter act them with positive affirmations. I am also watching my language so as not to work with extremes.
I have seen a pattern with my own insecurities in which I will make a task appear overly difficult. I believe I do this so in case I succeed it is an almost heroic feat and if I fail, well, no one could have accomplished so much. (That’s what I like to call insecurities)

Limiting beliefs. What sayings come up time and time again for you in stressful situations?

Talked to my teacher for support and advice
Spoke to a counselor for advice.

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all. Thanks

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