Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 29

I spoke with my 13 year old nephew tonight about his writing. He read me a couple of the pieces he had written. I have to tell you they were very powerful writings for a young person. As we spoke of his writing I was struck by how important it was for me to make sure he understood his gift and to help support and nurture it. He seemed to appreciate the input. I realized in wanting him to understand his gift I was also talking to the child in me; that my strong feelings towards him and his potential were also about me wanting to do this for myself. (Not even a parent and I figured that out)
I remembered after he had gone to bed how much I wrote when I was younger, and how important my writing was as an outlet. I'm still writing today.
I will be seeing a Holy woman tomorrow, I seek her counsel in order to help clear blocks from my path. Interesting I meet with her on day 30.

Do you remember what sparked your interest when you were a young child? Does it still hold your interest today?

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

1 comment:

Megan M said...

I am still with you honey! I also had a similar connection to my student- also 13 or 14- as you did with your nephew's writing. These kids (and I include me in that group as well) do have such profound ideas and opinions. Part of me is just now opening to my own potential and gifts- I wish I had an auntie Karen when I was growing up and am grateful for having one in my life now- thank you for sharing your gifts and encouraging mine to shine! <3 mm