Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Part II Day 1

And so we begin again. This is Day 1 of Part two. What does that mean, you ask? Not sure yet. I'm moving forward and so will work thru putting a plan together. I will be calling the lady in charge of the trip to India and making flight reservations for Thailand. I am also starting a class called "Success Built to Last" ( sounds so gimmicky- No Laughing! - You gotta try everything once) More to come.
I took a long weekend with friends - good friends - the kind that last a lifetime. The long weekend I took was to my family farm. The farm (no longer a working farm) has been in the family since the 1870's. While there we did a burial ritual (a suggestion from my Teacher- thanks P) . Rituals for me are used to express an intention a way to say to your higher power and to yourself this is my desire, a way of both opening and closing a door for progress in that direction. I believe we are in a time of transition, in our country, in the world and most significantly to ourselves. My way of dealing with transition and marking important stages is ritual. In this one we buried items that represent something we want to let go of. We then buried something we wanted to see grow. It is always interesting for me to see if the ritual marks the beginning or end of a process. Sharing this , was moving.
Today in this moment I feel so lucky. I had a great and blessed trip to St. Louis and really feel like I am moving forward in a positive direction. There was a brief piece on the news tonight that said psychologist were suggesting young people should be encouraged towards more self discovery. I believe that with all the turmoil in the world we are all being asked to explore what is true happiness and self-fulfillment. That is certainly what I am looking to understand within myself but also seek to understand in others.

What would you bury to represent something to grieve and are willing and ready to let go of? What seeds of intentions would you plant to see grow?

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

1 comment:

windancer said...

I feel the shift in energy in your post - a calmness - a centeredness is in this writing - less frantic than before - this is good. It would seem your journey "home" - your trip to your family farm - and the ritaul were all successful. But then no matter the outcome it is always successful!!

I believe self discovery to be the only path we need to walk - and the lack of this in our wrold leads to our feeling alienated from ouselves and our world. It's good to hear main stream life is suggesting this approach.

Go to Satyananda's ashram when in India - it will carry you further into your self - and stay the month - it will allow you to sit at your center in preparation for the journey on the Buddha's path of enlightenment.