Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 20

My two nephews this week brought up the fact that I tried and failed for three consecutive years to make the volleyball team while in high school. They, being in high school thought this failure was catastrophic (so did I then). I explained that yes it was painful to fail when I had worked so hard going to camp every summer. Worse yet, was the fact that I had to wait years before I finally realized the blessing in my failure. You see because I failed at volleyball in high school, in college I took the opportunity to try out and play soccer (volleyball and soccer are payed at the same time). Soccer became one of the great loves of my life. Because I played, I later had the opportunity to coach. The coaching experience, working with girls and boys, brought so much fulfillment to my life and hopefully something beneficial to them. None of that would have happened if I had made volleyball. The lessons for me; I have failed in the past and survived. Additionally, I saw that there have been many times when I extended myself, I have succeeded more times then not. This would just be one more time I put myself out there, and if I fail perhaps it will be another wonderful stepping stone. You never know.

What would you try if you knew you couldn't fail? What would you do even if you knew you would fail? You never know.

Reaching new understandings of self.

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all. Thanks

1 comment:

windancer said...

I didn't know that about you and volleyball - interesting - and a very good lesson. That's the connections I was asking about in the soultalk post - looking back and seeing how our past leads us to our present -

When we begin to see and understand those connections we allow ourselves to move out of the victim role - and rather than looking at and "blaming" our past -we look at our history and find the lessons and the connections to our present. In understanding that we begin to accept the lessons as lessons, rather than excuses for what we do or don't do - and it is then we begin to see that we do create our reality -every single day.

My question would be - not knowing if you will fail or not fail - but trusting that either way there really is no failure - your volleyball experiences was not really a failure - but a gift - you only realized that in looking back - but if we can give a gift to our children - maybe it's that there are NO FAILURES - there are only LESSONS!!