Monday, November 23, 2009

Part II Important Exercise

I heard something from a commercial for an Oprah show. One of her guest speakers gave an exercise that I thought was Outstanding.
He said carry a notebook with you (small one) divide the sheet in two. On one side write the Header LOVE IT on the other side write HATE IT. Keep this journal for a couple of weeks. At the end take a look to see where you are spending your energy.
We have to know in life what energizes us, what makes life vital for us. When you find these things DO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the I hate list sure this is stuff you have to do, or at least you tell yourself that - and that is a war I won't fight with people "I Have to ....". Fine for the sake of argument there are things you have to do, but if you have things in your life that fill you with Joy and Energy the shit you "have to do" isn't so bad if you're high on the things you love to do!!!

WHAT THE HELL TRY IT OUT. CAN'T MAKE IT WORSE. You're in charge of making your life better.

LIVE + LAUGH + LOVE + DREAM till you make it come true..
Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

Part II

This post is moved to a later date.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Part II

I met a woman today in the course of my work day. She has cancer, and this cancer creates ulcers all over her body. Her ulcers break open releasing blood and fluid that are at best unsightly. She is inspirational. She said that they told her she was going to die from this cancer and she said "no, I am not gonna die. Not from this!"
When she walked into the room she had such a vitality and dignity (of course it was her house). She is using homeopathic remedies, diet and prayer to heal herself. She couldn't shake my hand because of her open wounds and she had pads under her feet to absorb the fluid and to cushion the pain from walking. She said, "I may not look well but I believe you heal spirit, soul to body and I'm healed on the inside."

She wasn't the slightest bit self conscious and spoke with conviction that was heart felt and powerful. I don't relay this story to say don't feel sorry for yourself or as a means to make my on search or path trivial. I tell it because of how profound the message "we heal from the inside" is. The outside or physical may show symptoms but it is truly about finding the internal connections, those wounds are the ones we are trying to find and start the healing process. Life gives us "problems" for which we start our search for healing but like any home renovation once you start you go deeper and further finding pieces or rooms to work on.
Each pain can become our passion, we learn lessons to teach not only ourselves but to provide mirrors for others. This spit fire, little petite woman, who is barely over 50 faces her circumstances and healing of with energy and certainty that only someone of heart and faith could. I will not soon forget her or the lessons she has taught me.

Look at your wounds, pull back the layers and let the healing begin from the inside out.

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Part II Challenge

I finished my Success Built to Last Class. It turns out (Good News) I have decide to be me. I am pretty sure that I have the best chance at success when being myself, who would know better how to be me? It's funny isn't it? Who knows how to be you better then you? It seems crazy but our parents and good friends sometimes think they do. I'm sure I have thought I knew better how some of my loved ones should be better then they did. The reason for my rambling is more about being who we are and my obsession with figuring out what I want to do or be when I grow up. I was reading something the other day and what I discover was incredible for me. Instead of trying to make/create myself, I am going to try to let go of one thing everyday that I find is not me. My belief is that I will appear to myself. I will be able to see the beauty of my soul by removing the clutter and layers I have spent a lifetime acquiring.

So here is the new challenge: stay aware of what are the behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, social norms that don't work and then focus on seeing them daily and letting them go. My teacher wrote in here comments that letting go of fear is the last thing we will need to let go of. Wise as always. That I think seems like the marathon of letting go, but I have already run a 1/2 marathon so ....

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Part II Trying to get it Right

I want to remind you to read the comments of this blog. My teacher writes most all of the time and her words are always on the mark. She speaks in her comments on my last entry, to step into the flow, walk your path. That is the second time I have heard that today. I have been angry with myself for the past little bit. Can you imagine that, angry that I am going to take a trip many people dream of. Angry, because I am quiting a job that I don't care for. I look back and I realize I am angry because I am afraid there are some things I may not have time to get to. Mind you I'm not angry all day because as many of you know I am a happy person, but the anger that is coming in I think comes from fear. The fear comes from me trying to define what I think I am suppose to be. I write all this because I wonder if other people don't get confused about the emotion you allow yourself to feel because it covers the ones you don't want to see.
I am taking a class about Success and how to achieve long term success. It is a good class and it has some good exercises to help an individual look back to see pattern and gain insights. My issue is, I went in trying to prove something, being competitive and this is really about self esteem. I have been taking the right steps for me in my personal life. I am living my life in the way I feel self directed to do. What I forgot is to stop watching the person next to me as a means to measure myself. Each of us must live the way we see fit, learning as we go. We are all here to learn different lessons, work through patterns, so comparing is the wall you do not want to run into. I am looking inside and looking for my true measure of a "success". The road blocks, the mental crashes I have only serve to remind me of my drive to be true to myself. In the end, for me, I answer only to myself, (Oh and the credit card companies).

Where is your inner voice directing you? What emotions churn inside?

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Part II

People say that what we are seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think this is what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive.” - Joseph Campbell

I saw this quote tonight and I thought far be in from me to argue with the great Joseph Campbell but for me it is both. To me everything in our lives has meaning, if we will but look. I believe that in every moment our soul is engaged in a dialogue with our Higher source and the energy wave of this planet and the collective conscious. We are in the process of experience being alive by being aware of this communication because it helps us as individuals become aware of all the aspects of oursleves. When I get into an arguement with another I may be having an opportunity to state a belief about myself and thus become aware of this aspect. So I seek meaning because in finding the meaning I experience being alive.

What speaks to you in your life? What do you notice? What draws your attention? Pay attention what you notice? Your Soul is speaking to you!

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Part II

"When you come into this world, you were given instructions - sort of a toolkit of your talents and special gifts that you are given. Your life's task is to put those tools to use..." Roberta Jamieson"

I sent my check for India yesterday. I spoke with J who is in charge of the trip and she was great. I explained I am having some strange screaming inside my head saying "noooo don't go" "are you crazy?" (you get the idea) but as we talked I said I have learned that the voice inside that I should be listening to doesn't scream, the scream is fear, my soul speaks in a peaceful voice. My ego is the one putting up the fight, (it holds all my cognitive belief patterns). She told me I was in the right place and I appreciated her encouragement.

Therefore, I am off to Thailand and India in the beginning of the year. The big question is why? The answer is; I hope to know by the time I get back. I am compelled to go so I am going to follow the call and see where it takes me.

In addition to the trip I am taking a class as I am taking steps toward aligning my work life with what is driving me inside. I watch friends these days I see a lot of stress and strain on relationships. I think this stems from our attempt to reveal ourselves with what we have buried to long and to try to make or find meaning in our lives. I believe that we're all frightened that our circumstances may change or worse stay stagnant. You have to be willing to gamble the devil you know for what might be behind curtain number two or door number one.

It all comes down to becoming comfortable being uncomfortable and having the courage to face the loss for the opportunity to be more, trusting all will turn out. It's a leap of faith so you can jump, step or wait for the God of your knowing to push you. But know this, if there is an urge inside, a soft whisper you think to ignore, look out - these times they are a changing.

Do you know your special gifts? Write a piece using the prompt, God gave me the ability... My special gift is .... I feel alive when I....

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Part II Day 13

I gave away me bed on Sunday night. (Sounds a little crazy doesn’t it?) I have had my “stuff” in storage for over a year and a half. I gave away most of my kitchen items and some odds and ends. What the stuff is isn’t as important as what it means. I guess up until now I have talked about taking this trip and knowing that there were some changes happening but it feels somehow that even through this process of writing a blog and documenting what internal changes were happening that it has still snuck up on me. What I mean to say is that we make a great deal of progress by taking small actions towards an intention. When taking one step toward it – it takes big steps towards you, and then all of the sudden it’s real.

In letting go of some of my things I was letting go of parts of me I built as my identity and I have to say it made me sad to let go of these things, but I think what I am grieving is the loss of where and who I have been. It seems so odd to put into words and I‘m not sure I can. I have felt that I was not living to my full potential feeling urges to move forward. I am searching for my cause and I am choosing to let go of where I am in order to move forward to find it. Letting go of my stuff is a physical manifestation of that intention. It is a step toward my intention. My intention is to find what I am most passionate about, and then to live from that place.

What would you do today if money and time were no issue?

Please say a prayer or hold a thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.