Tuesday, September 29, 2009


A quick post tonight. I am having a few stomach issues and believe it could be a parasite I lovingly picked up in Africa. The interesting thing is I thought I shouldn't write about being unwell, how is that helpful and what does that have to do with the plan? First, I believe that everything means something - so where is the parasite in my life? This is interesting, what is eating me up and taking me off balance. (Not to be indelicate "but who put the bug up your a__?" ) Africa did, and that was the rebirth of the plan.
The relevance is' after I having thought of this idea two years ago while grad school I am now starting to move toward it. So I am having to clear out old beliefs and old ways of seeing myself to make room for the new. I realize there is a part of me that is fighting that process and wants to stay with the status quo. (FEAR, EGO? humm.) Often when we decide to create change we also create turmoil in order to be OK with the changes. "If it ain't broke don't fix it" is another saying we have been taught. So we break something and then we can create change "fix it".
Not unlike yesterday what I am reminding myself of today is; I don't have to have drama in my life just because I have decide to create change. Having said that, I need to realize that there is a process that I am undergoing and to be aware of the signs and messages coming through which help me make conscious choices.

Drama of work, met a woman today who has being doing the same job for 20years, got sick shortly after.
Did research crossed off one school.
Found a non traditional educational opportunity to help with the plan.

Transition of any kind will cause some movement with your life. Have you noticed any? Can you think of any? Good or bad is not the issue. Bad today could be great tomorrow.

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

1 comment:

windancer said...

Drama, Trauma, Fear, Crisis, Ego - a stomach parasite - a bug up your a** - interesting. I don't know if you can see this, but there is a Zen like feel to all of this - you know the famous Zen Kones - the riddles that lead back to the truth from where you began. Did the woman who has held the same job for 20 years make you feel ill - or is she merely a mirror in which you are gazing, and if so what about the reflection kicked off your not feeling well. You have reached the mid-point of your 30 day blog - what has transitioned for you in these 15 days? Do you feel closer to your goal - to the plan - do you know yourself better than when you began? Did your trip to Africa begin to "eat you up, take you off balance" - or was that already a reality that Africa merely reflected back to you? Africa - the dark continent - the deep feminine - it/She is an internal journey - so you purge your gut - your deep instinctual - remember in all hero's journeys the deep feminine draws us w/in - while the deep masculine waits to move us w/out - and the cusp between that inward journey and the outward manifestation - is the point of transition - change - so on day 15 perhaps you are standing in the cusp - one foot in the old the other in the new - a threshold of change - will you step through??