Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 2 Story

I'm a little ticked off today. I came across the issue of personal story again today. Perhaps the program I watched last night was just the start of an important issue for me to take a look at within myself. When it came up today in my work life I was lite up around the issue. First with the idea that companies are always attempting to sell their "story" to their mouth pieces who then go out and tell the story as if it were their own. I believe that it belittles the significance of story or perhaps because we don't understand our own or worse over identify with the story of our persona we need a deeper story to immerse in, and take on any as our own. (Perhaps this is true only for myself.)
The second issue today reflected a more of a cognitive thought a co-worker had that he owned. The thought was holding him back. What's connection between the quest and the story. I have to be aware of the thoughts to transform them and write my new story.

Today I looked into two PhD programs. I have a business plan to use to create my own.
I got accepted into a class that I believe will be helpful.

Being stuck in an emotion is a choice.

Say a prayer or hold a positive thought and throw it into the greatest good for all pot.


Windancer said...

Sometimes me thinks you get too much into your head - and disconnect from your heart - maybe the story needs to unfold without so much thought - your quote "I have to be aware of the thoughts to transform them and write my new story." What if you just wrote from your heart - your story - might be interesting. I will hold a positive thought -

K said...

Thanks for the insights. I read it twice tolet it sink in. What if I wrote my story from my heart?
I will use that as a prompt when I write on Saturday morning.
I am constently grateful for your wisdom, and suppot.
