Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 3 Grateful

I feel like it was a good day for the challenge/quest. I spoke with two different universities today regarding PhD programs. This gave me an opportunity to say out loud some of the ideas I am flushing out. This in and of itself was a great help to me. I had the chance to see if I felt confident when presenting my ideas and to further develop them. Do one thing everyday and note the change.

H in admissions at a university told me I was focused and had good concepts that had merit. I might customarily downplay this vote of confidence but between us, it felt great to have someone affirm my thoughts. Thank You H you helped me. (Yes, of course I told her)

The second university I called circled back to Malawi, Africa. The Ad woman (Very kind) works with a circle of women and wants information on how to work with other women groups they have been searching. I am going to put her in touch with M from the trip. (Interesting let’s track that and see what come – additional connections)

My work day was stressful but I am working very hard to see the meaning behind my turmoil in an attempt to see the buttons being pushed so I can grow. It is difficult at times to take a step back and see the drama when in it. I fully recognize that I choose to stay in that emotion, and there lies the lesson. Why? What’s behind the emotion?

So I am grateful today, for both the good and the uncomfortable. It’s all about the growth.

Perhaps today you could think about what you’re grateful for and if possible tell someone.


Windancer said...

Sounds like you are experiencing connections - weaving a web - the Malawi connection - connecting the university admission person to the Malawi person - connections create change. Note the opportunity - to connect - and the ripple from the pebble dropped in this pond.

Stress and discomfort are often created through perception - how and why do you perceive work the way you do? What about your work situation is a trigger to past situations?

You say you choose to stay in the emotion - is that good or bad - or is it just the moment? Perhaps you need to just accept the emotion w/ out label - and honor it - invite it to the table for tea and see what it has to teach you.

It appears yesterday offered you great opportunity for growth - and you are aware of that -

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bird! some days are better than others. You can look at a square all day trying to turn it into a circle, but, at the end of the day, it is still a square.