Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 1 The Commitment

The Africa trip has been a deal changer for me. We live in a time ripe for transition. Before I left I took steps to prepare myself to move forward in a new direction. The trip provided the spiritual energy and inspirational role models to breath new life into me. I finished my Masters Degree 2 1/2 years ago. I started a business that for several reasons failed. I took the next 18 months to pull my finances together and try to ignore the steady drumming of the voice in my heart.
This blog is the tool/vehicle I am going to use to explore a plan or strategy for a germ of an idea I have. Over the next 30 days (and yes I did get the idea from the movie Julie/Julia- imitation is the highest form of flattery) I am going to pray everyday, take one action step, and be alert to the messages being sent to me through my life circumstance (that ought to confuse some people) and write my steps and the progress to see if I can pull (myself together) and the universe in to help.
What you out there can do for me today is please pray to the God of your heart for my greatest good, and the greatest good for all. (Oh and do 1 nice thing for someone for no reason at all/change happens one nano second at a time let's be the change)
PS I'm feeling more then a little exposed


Windancer said...

So how goes day 2 - I think I have figured how to post - will give it a try anyway.

So I sent you a message today via snail mail - your phone - communication - interesting that it ended up in my car - then in the bottom of my purse - and now finally today it's in the mail back to you. Hope that has significance in this venture you are undertaking - "will I or won't I?

The Search". Keep posting - and I'll keep reading - and trying to post - so here goes - let's see if the universe is going to let me send this to you

Windancer said...

It appears it did:>}}