Friday, November 6, 2009

Part II

"When you come into this world, you were given instructions - sort of a toolkit of your talents and special gifts that you are given. Your life's task is to put those tools to use..." Roberta Jamieson"

I sent my check for India yesterday. I spoke with J who is in charge of the trip and she was great. I explained I am having some strange screaming inside my head saying "noooo don't go" "are you crazy?" (you get the idea) but as we talked I said I have learned that the voice inside that I should be listening to doesn't scream, the scream is fear, my soul speaks in a peaceful voice. My ego is the one putting up the fight, (it holds all my cognitive belief patterns). She told me I was in the right place and I appreciated her encouragement.

Therefore, I am off to Thailand and India in the beginning of the year. The big question is why? The answer is; I hope to know by the time I get back. I am compelled to go so I am going to follow the call and see where it takes me.

In addition to the trip I am taking a class as I am taking steps toward aligning my work life with what is driving me inside. I watch friends these days I see a lot of stress and strain on relationships. I think this stems from our attempt to reveal ourselves with what we have buried to long and to try to make or find meaning in our lives. I believe that we're all frightened that our circumstances may change or worse stay stagnant. You have to be willing to gamble the devil you know for what might be behind curtain number two or door number one.

It all comes down to becoming comfortable being uncomfortable and having the courage to face the loss for the opportunity to be more, trusting all will turn out. It's a leap of faith so you can jump, step or wait for the God of your knowing to push you. But know this, if there is an urge inside, a soft whisper you think to ignore, look out - these times they are a changing.

Do you know your special gifts? Write a piece using the prompt, God gave me the ability... My special gift is .... I feel alive when I....

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

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