Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Part II Trying to get it Right

I want to remind you to read the comments of this blog. My teacher writes most all of the time and her words are always on the mark. She speaks in her comments on my last entry, to step into the flow, walk your path. That is the second time I have heard that today. I have been angry with myself for the past little bit. Can you imagine that, angry that I am going to take a trip many people dream of. Angry, because I am quiting a job that I don't care for. I look back and I realize I am angry because I am afraid there are some things I may not have time to get to. Mind you I'm not angry all day because as many of you know I am a happy person, but the anger that is coming in I think comes from fear. The fear comes from me trying to define what I think I am suppose to be. I write all this because I wonder if other people don't get confused about the emotion you allow yourself to feel because it covers the ones you don't want to see.
I am taking a class about Success and how to achieve long term success. It is a good class and it has some good exercises to help an individual look back to see pattern and gain insights. My issue is, I went in trying to prove something, being competitive and this is really about self esteem. I have been taking the right steps for me in my personal life. I am living my life in the way I feel self directed to do. What I forgot is to stop watching the person next to me as a means to measure myself. Each of us must live the way we see fit, learning as we go. We are all here to learn different lessons, work through patterns, so comparing is the wall you do not want to run into. I am looking inside and looking for my true measure of a "success". The road blocks, the mental crashes I have only serve to remind me of my drive to be true to myself. In the end, for me, I answer only to myself, (Oh and the credit card companies).

Where is your inner voice directing you? What emotions churn inside?

Please say a prayer or hold a positive thought for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

1 comment:

windancer said...

On the soultalk forum this is why I spoke of the images of Dharmakeerti - her comments - and the fact that in most yoga studios (unlike dance or exercise studios) there are no mirrors - the only place we are to look, examine, compare is within. Photographing or filming others does no good - because the average person will just say I like or dislike the image. Dharmakeerti on the other hand did neither - and in doing that she created a canvas for the photographer to see self reflected on- that'a quite amazing - an experience that few people are given.

You speak of fear - that you anger is driven by your fear. Many, many years ago - when I was quite young (younger than you:>}}) I had a teacher tell me that if I give up fear I will never have to give up another thing in my life!! And the longer I live the more I understand the depth of his statement.

This man also taught me that in life there are really only two emotions - love and fear. Love alwyas opens us and expands us - fear always closes us and contracts us - so look at your openess or your closedness in any situation to know which emotion is driving you. It's that simple!!

Yes, you do only answer to yourself - and all of the external things you answer to, like credit card companies, are of you own creation. Every external thing we think we answer to is just that - a projection to distract us from the truth of our own divinity.